Becoming aware, and mentoring

May 25, 2011 § 1 Comment

This is not about me, but about a senior (male) colleague who has become very much aware of the problems of implicit bias in our profession, amongst others through the what’s it like blog and the gendered conference campaign.
He is mentoring several junior female philosophers (like me), and has urged us time and again not to give up. He has helped several among us to apply for positions and has also offered to practice mock interviews in case any of us land an interview. He has also helped me to put a workshop together, also by contributing funding. All the workshops he organizes are excellent in terms of gender balance, and I may add, all high quality as well.

He once told me “the reason I am where I am today is that my best competitors were women who graduated the same year as me. They have all left the profession. You should not.”
His department is currently hiring a new lecturer, and he is urging the rest of the (overwhelmingly male) faculty that the new hire should be taken as an opportunity to improve the gender balance.

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