What Quebec is doing about what it’s like

September 15, 2016 § Leave a comment

I’m a PhD student and lecturer at the philosophy department at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). Representation is a big concern in our department, as currently only 2 out of 17 faculty members are women. A few years ago when our department invited only men as guest lecturers and keynote speakers, some other grad students and I got together to creat Fillosophie (https://fillosophie.org/about/fillosophie-in-english/), a project to foster the work of women philosophers through a series of conferences dedicated to presentations only by philosophers who are women. Our goal is mainly to give undergrads role models and to show that women can actually continue to study and work and do research in philosophy ─ at all levels.
More recently (about a year ago), our department has also created a committee for issues concerning equity and climate. One of the ideas the committee developed for promoting the role of women in philosophy was to encourage professors to include more women authors in their syllabi. Some professors complained that there were not enough resources in French (and teaching at UQAM at the undergraduate level is exclusively in French), and that this would be rather difficult. Two members of Fillosophie (myself and Sarah Arnaud), who are also part of the commitee for equity and climate, have since then put together a list of over 300 resources in French (or translated to French) that professors and lecturers can use, especially in intro classes. I’m sharing this as it may be useful for other people teaching at French-speaking universities around the world.( http://philo.uqam.ca/fr/equite-climat/listes-d-auteures-feminines.html ) Hope this is helpful!

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